Industrial Control System (ICS) and Operational Technology (OT) networks increasingly feature both greater connectivity with traditional IT network, and greater attention from malicious actors. From opportunistic criminal intrusions through state-sponsored breaches, ICS/OT operators must adapt to an ever changing threat landscape in order to ensure the security of their networks, as well as the availability and integrity of their physical operating assets.
This course provides a threat-focused, intelligence-driven approach to ICS/OT security. Starting with an exploration of general concepts in the threat and intelligence space, instruction then moves into ICS-specific applications of adversary understanding and defensive evolution. Through a thorough review of ICS-targeting incidents, attendees will gain a greater understanding of historical activity and implications for future defensive planning.
The online version of this course covers five, two hour sessions over five days, or alternative scheduling Lessons and instruction divide between lecture, discussion, and group exploration of security incidents. Students receive access to session recordings following the course conclusion, as well as a certificate of completion noting hours for CEP and similar purposes.
A syllabus and course outline can be found here.