
The Paralus (also known as the Paralos) was a sacred ship serving the needs of ancient Athens, acting as messenger and executor for the Democratic government.

Paralus LLC embodies this mission as messenger and enabler seeking to lend world-class expertise and knowledge in information security and cyber defense to organizations in need. Specific items of focus include threat intelligence operations planning and implementation; strategic cyber defense planning focused on executives and organizational leadership; critical infrastructure impact assessments and attack scenario development; and generalized information security consulting and advisory services.

The mission of Paralus LLC is to ensure the security and integrity of organizations in the face of increasingly complex and concerning threats within the cyber landscape.

Paralus LLC was founded and is led by Joe Slowik. Joe has experience across multiple facets of cyber and information operations stretching over 10 years. Past roles include operations planning and mission development within the US Department of Defense; planning network defense strategies for US Naval assets afloat; running incident response operations at Los Alamos National Laboratory; building a threat intelligence program within the US Department of Energy; critical infrastructure attack analysis and activity tracking; and assisting industrial control system asset owners and operators in defensive planning and response.

Joe maintains an independent blog at pylos.co.